*Santa Fe Distinguished Lecture Series
*About Us
Shulamit Reinharz
Hiding During the Holocaust
The Case of a Man Who Survived
Jacob Potofsky Professor of Sociology
Founding Director of the
Hadassah-Brandeis Institute
and Women's Studies Research Center
Brandeis University
This SFDLS Program is generously underwritten by Fa Abrantes-Pais
Click to See the Film of her Talk
After Kristallnacht an her father's detention in Buchenwald, Rothschild's parents fled their homeland with the help of Habonim, which secured Max's release. Hoping to pass through Holland and make aliyah to Eretz Yisrael, they were unable to leave the country because of the limits on immigration imposed by the British White Paper of 1939. When the Nazis invaded in 1940, the couple were forced into hiding for the duration of World War II. Her new book Hiding During the Holocaust is about that experience.
Dr. Shulamit Reinharz was chosen as founding director of the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute in 1997, after she had chaired the National Commission on American Jewish Women for the organization. The Institute was founded to focus on publishing research and organizing conferences and lectures regarding Jewish women's roles in various eras, but did not offer academic courses.
The Institute, devoted to the study of Jewish women, was the first of its kind and aimed as a feminist enterprise to bring "women into the scholarship" of Jewish studies. In 1998, Reinharz and the Institute partnered with the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies to found Nashim, a journal on Jewish gender studies, for which she became co-editor.
Between 1997 and 2000, Reinharz raised over $2.4 million to renovate a derelict building and oversaw its design and construction to house the Women's Studies Research Center. The Center, which opened in 2000 was created to house both the graduate program in Women's Studies and the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute, as well as research office space, and a reference library.
*Santa Fe Distinguished Lecture Series
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The Institute for Tolerance Studies is the 501-c-3 organization that sponsors the Santa Fe Distinguished Lecture Series. Your donations make these free webinar talks possible. Thank you.
which is a beneficiary organization of the New Mexico Humanities Council.